‘We but mirror the world…’- Gandhi
Select your Outdoor Leadership Journey
Student Success
Before I started training with The Outdoor Education
Consultants, I felt bored and unsatisfied with my life. I had
achieved professionally what I had set out to do, and was
looking for a new challenge and adventure in life.
I achieved a personal freedom, and satisfaction I had found
was missing from my life. I started to feel personally more
engaged with the outside world and other people. I
rediscovered my passion for learning, and self development. I
became hungry to learn and live life outside my comfort zone.
I believe this to be a because of how the trainers with TOEC,
engage you on an individual level, allowing you to learn and
grow the best way for you.
If you want to just learn the theory or being proficient in book
work, TOEC are not the guys for you. If you want to
understand the principles and their application, allowing you
to problem solve and have the confidence to enjoy the great
outdoors whilst sharing that passion with others.
If you want to grow as an individual whilst having fun.
Come join the family that is TOEC. Once you study with them,
your more than just a number, you become Family!
These guys go above and beyond to see you succeed.
TOEC not only took the time to understand my personal
goals, and circumstances surrounding my desire to study.
They have gone above and beyond, they assist in helping find
you work, offer extra tutoring, and will do whatever they can
to see you succeed.
I love how the team is easy to talk to, and always available to
answer any questions. If you have a suggestion on how they
can grow, they appreciate that too.
Never felt like anyone is unapproachable.
As a result, I now feel confident to not only work in the
outdoor industry, but to share my love of the outdoors with
I also feel more confident to go off on my own expeditions
and know that I have the skills and tools to make the best of
every opportunity life throws my way.
When it comes to your education and individual growth, if
you want to be more than just a number, with just another
piece of paper.
Than there is NO other option than The Outdoor Education

Before I started Outdoor Rec training with TOEC I found
progressing into the industry to be difficult.
TOEC made me believe in my ability and skills whilst
encouraging me to problem solve and apply what I had
Since completing training I have a new found confidence that
has enabled me to progress in my workplace.
I would highly recommend TOEC to anyone looking for
flexible but quality training solutions. They provided useful
and relevant information and encouraged me to pursue my
passion of working in the outdoors.

I spent over 10 years working in a totally unrelated officebased
career, and was feeling restless and unfulfilled. I was
very keen to move into Outdoor Education / Recreation,
however was simply not in a position to be able to take 6+
months off to retrain. TOEC's online learning model gave me
the flexibility to complete the course at my own pace,
meaning I could continue to work full time while chipping
away at my qualifications. With a wide range of electives,
plenty of practical training dates throughout the year, and a
knowledgeable and supportive team ready to answer any
questions throughout the self-led theory units, TOEC made
finishing my Cert III easy. I couldn't be happier with the
decision I made, and when it came time to start my Cert IV,
TOEC were the obvious choice. I would highly recommend
TOEC's courses - whether you're brand new to the industry,
or simply wanting to add another unit of competency to your
repertoire, TOEC has a solution for you.

I was seeking the outdoor qualifications and struggled to find
a provider who cared for students and worked with the
I have completed many courses and training through TOEC I
have learnt so much more indepth knowledge of not just the
training but of the industry and the people you meet and
work with. I started to believe I could do more and be more
and help others more!
E.g. Once I experienced Outdoor Rec
I feel involved and confident in the field of outdoor activities, I
am able to run activities with confidence and share my
knowledge and training with others.
I could not recommend a better training group than TOEC. I
love the training and cannot express how great their team is
at working with clients and students. They go above and
beyond to help and train, with the patience of saints. The high
level of expertise and knowledge is unbeatable in my books. I
look forward to continual activity days and training with

Prior to training I was working in the Health and fitness industry.
Since starting training I’m achieving lots. Have been able to really expand and now
developing a business of my own.
I have been able to facilitate groups in a wide variety of activities with
a lot more confidence.
I highly recommend these guys. Strong, professional
approach in all that they provide and pass on. It’s a great
privilege for me to still be actively involved with them and will
continue up skilling. Want the best training then look no
further. You won’t regret it.
Andrew hendersonCert III Outdoor Leader